
The goal of Discipleship at All Saints’ is to assist all persons, both young and older alike, to grow in their spiritual lives so as to become better disciples and to lead others toward Christ.

Adult Christian Formation

At All Saints’, we seek to bring persons into a deeper and fuller knowledge of God. It is an opportunity to ask questions, seek answers about your faith and the Scriptures, and to grow and be strengthened on your spiritual journey. Members engage in studies of books and topical issues relating to the Bible, Scripture-related games, quizzes, and other forums.

Children's Ministry

Children are beloved, and an important part of our Church Family at All Saints’. Every Sunday, we offer Christian formation (Sunday School) classes to our kids so as to nurture their faith and engage them in the Bible stories. Nursery is also provided for children from birth to 4 years old, and an annual Vacation Bible School (VBS) provides spiritual enrichment to children within the community during the summer.

Children are encouraged to value the need to love and help others through participation in outreach ministry and other areas of the Church’s life.

Children are also prepared for First Communion and Confirmation at an appropriate time in their lives.


‘Cursillo,’ which means “Little Course,” inspires Christians to grow through prayer, study, and action and to share God’s love with everyone. Led by a team of lay people and clergy, the focus of the program is a three-day weekend of love, worship, and learning, in which participants experience witness and devotion. Following the weekend, there are other opportunities for fellowship and learning with others who have experienced the Cursillo program.

Daughters of the King

The All Saints’ Chapter of the Daughters of the King is a lay religious order for women who are communicants of the Church. They are strengthened through the discipline of a Rule of Life, and the support of the daughters. Membership is extended to any woman who is a regular member of the Church, following a period of study and preparation. A Daughter makes a life-long commitment of prayer, service, and evangelism, to know Christ and to spread His Kingdom, and to make Him known to others by becoming reflections of God’s love throughout the world.

Heritage Society

The purpose of the Heritage Society is to encourage immediate and planned giving to the Endowment Fund so that the Church may fully accomplish its mission and ministries beyond what is possible through its annual operating funds.


The Stewardship life is a grateful recognition and response of giving back to God the gifts He has graciously given us. We are to share these gifts with others through our time, talent and treasure (financial resources).