Sacraments & Pastoral Offices

Over the years we celebrate many important events through the sacraments and pastoral offices. Our clergy, staff, and parishioners work closely together to support church members, their families, friends, neighbors, and all persons, as they participate in these Episcopal rites and special services throughout their lives.



Baptism is the sacrament in which persons are fully initiated by water and the Holy Spirit into the Church, the Body of Christ. In Baptism, the relationship that God establishes with us is permanent and binding. This sacrament is normally administered in the context of the Eucharist, and presided over by the bishop, or in his or her absence, by a priest.

The Eucharist (Communion)

This sacrament of Christ’s body and blood is the principal act of Christian worship in the Episcopal Church. The Eucharistic Service is divided into two parts, “the Word of God,” the reading and preaching of God’s Word, and the prayers; and “Holy Communion,” the consecration of the bread and wine becoming the body and blood of Christ. It is one of the two sacraments instituted by Christ, the other being Baptism.


Confirmation is the rite in which we express a mature commitment to Christ, and receive strength from the Holy Spirit through prayer and the laying on of hands by a bishop.


Reconciliation of a Penitent, or Penance, is the rite in which those who repent of their sins may confess them to God in the presence of a priest, who offers counsel. The penitent receives the assurance of pardon and the grace of absolution.

Anointing the Sick

Holy Unction is the rite of anointing the sick with oil, or the laying on of hands with prayer, by which God’s grace is given for the healing of one’s body, mind, and spirit.

Marriage (Weddings)

The blessing and joining together of a couple in marriage in the presence of God is an occasion of great joy. This sacrament is a public covenant between two persons who promise before God to live with one another in a life-long union, while receiving God’s grace and blessing to help them fulfill their vows.


Ordination, or Holy Orders, is a sacramental rite of the church by which God gives authority and the grace of the Holy Spirit through prayer and the laying on of hands by bishops to those being made bishops, priests, and deacons.

Pastoral Offices


Although not a sacrament, ministrations during the process of dying is provided for the person who is transitioning from this earthly life, and for his or her family and loved ones.


This service for the Burial of the Dead is a pastoral office in the Church. It is, therefore, important to inform the Rector of the Church so that appropriate pastoral care and arrangements for the funeral can be provided.