
The mission of Worship at All Saints’ is to express our love for God with all our heart and soul and mind and strength. The following ministries form the Worship Team, which assists the Clergy and the smooth functioning of worship services.


Normally teenagers, although also adults, who assist the priest at the altar during the Holy Eucharist.

Altar Guild

A group of women and men whose ministry is to care for the altar, vestments, vessels, and altar linens of the church; to prepare the sanctuary, including the altar, for communion and other services; and to clean up afterwards. The Altar Guild is also responsible for supervising flowers for services, and church decorations for holidays and special occasions.

Greeters and Ushers

This ministry greets and welcomes members and guests at the entrance of the church building, distributes service bulletins, and answers any questions congregants may have.

Lay Eucharistic Ministers

A non-ordained person who assists the priest in administering the Body and Blood of Christ during a celebration of the Eucharist. They also read the Scriptures appointed for services, and lead the congregation in the prayers of the people.


A person who reads lessons, particularly the first lesson, during a service.

Organist and Choir

The music ministry exists to provide meaningful music for our community in the worship of God. Music is a vital part of worship and celebration at All Saints’.